Thanks to the sign and the FANTASTIC website.... this house sold in 23 DAYS!
Rocking..... over 2 Million Visitors and Counting!
As the sign suggests..... we offered for sale, our wonderful, cozy, slightly-retro bungalow located in Oregon.
We did everything right. Married ten years. Two kids: one perfect boy, one bouncy, perfect baby girl. We had almost no debt outside of our cars and we bought a house.... but, as with many marriages, our story ends in divorce. I'm not sure how this all happened... but, all I can is that as soon as your husband/wife starts using new texts languages like :/, or starts talking to you like a college kid.... check your phone bill - you're probably going to be in for a surprise. For me that surprise came in the form of a 22 year old college student who likes yoga... and, other people's husbands. Well, I liked him too .... and I'm sure one day I'll like him again. lol - So, I guess I can't blame her too much, right? This whole thing happened so fast (started in March, 2012), and while it has been the darkest hours of my life so far, it has also been filled with wonderful friends, neighbors and family who have helped in so many ways. It's the death of my marriage and the family I had as I knew it... but, that's all. I know that sounds crazy, but at some point you have to put the brakes on and realize that worse things are happening to someone else right now as you're reading this. As my wise Grandmother always say's, "Jews in Auschwitz would love to have your problems....". And she's right (aren't Grandma's always right?). This isn't the worse that could happen to me. Sure I'm angry, and every bit as sad as the sign suggests... but I'm also equally grateful for the life I do have and I know that the best the way to more forward for all of us is to focus on that. Hence my quirky marketing For Sale By Owner plan. :) So, our wonderful, cute, sweet family home was FOR SALE! That's where YOU come in.... please have a look around our website and feel free to contact me either via phone or our contact page. I have TRIED to be as honest and forthcoming and factual as possible... but I'm not a realtor, nor do I have the same access to all the fun little stats they have.... but I amassed the info here from online resources and the previous sale of our home to us. So.... have look around...I look forward to hearing from you! LEGAL DISCLAIMER:Just for the sake of clarity - we will NOT discriminate against ANY serious offer to purchase our home, nor would we refuse someone the ability purchase the home based on their personal choices, lifestyle choice, skin color, hair color, eye color, how tall they are or how short they are.... so that means if you are a blended family, divorced single Mom/Dad, single Man, Single woman, a happy family of two Moms or two Dads.... or whatever. lol SERIOUSLY.... there will be no discriminating against anyone for any reason. Any and all serious offers are welcome! :)
UPDATE:As of September 2012, the sale on our home:
CLOSED Our house was sold! Thanks to the sign and the website, our buyers put in an offer only 23 days after we put the house on the market as For Sale By Owner. As such, we have taken down all images of the house and the wonderful, wonderful pages of the website where I shared so many of our memories and so many of the things I will miss about my home. With over TWO MILLION visitors to our site, we made national and international news - and the entire journey has been a bit mind boggling! But, I personally thank you for visiting my site, sharing in our home and our journey. Now it is someone else's happy home, and they are off on a new journey. I wish them the very best, and respectfully ask that people respect their privacy in their new home. You can always keep up with me on my BLOG. :) |